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Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm back! Sorry for not blogging daily for the past 5 days. Life has been too busy!!! Be it work or hanging out with friends, i get back home almost every night! Able to blog today because i'm on duty at work! How ironic? LOL.

Looking forward to tmr! Gonna meet my friends! It's been some time since i last saw them. They never fail to bring me up when i'm down. Thanks bros!=) I guess tmr's gonna be a long day for me outside too. Jiayou to myself! hahas=) I'm someone who can't lie around doing nothing now. My whole body will ache! Yes!

Always tell myself. One must achieve something in life!=)

Blogged @ 5:28 PM
A little too not over you -

Saturday, August 13, 2011

It was a long night for me yesterday.. And ended up didn't go mahjong competition this morning! Went driving at 5 yesterday and came home to rest awhile before meeting my friends at harbourfront. Going clubbing at St James!! But 1 of our dearest friend wear bermudas and was not allowed to enter so we took cab to his house and back to St James again. LOL. Treat the cab fare as entrance fee since we enter St James free because we're safra cardholders=)

Drank a jug of vodka plus coke with 3 of my friends just to get ourselves abit high to go on dancefloor but it doesn't seem de case! So each of us ordered 2 shots to complicate things. hahas. After which i felt the effect and went on the dancefloor but the effect last away like half an hr? ZZZ.. My friend said i'm a good drinker. hahas. Can't get myself to really enjoy yesterday night. Y? C kept popping out in my mind.. (will explain why later). Left St James at around 3 and went to eat ba chor mee before home sweet home. So i's too tired and didn't go mahjong competition today! Oops!

Yeah so why i can't really enjoy myself yesterday? Haiz. Weak WeiJie. I rmb 1 yr plus back i's drunk at around 3 plus 4 in de morning. That time C was still my gf. She happen to call me and my friend ans telling her i'm drunk. The next instant she's beside me sending me home in her arms. She make sure i'm in bed before she left my house. How touched i am that time that i tell myself i won't go clubbing again.. BUT things was not meant to be.. Why am i thinking about all this again..

I thought i can club all my sorrows away but ended up thinking of C more. Sorry to my friends that accompany me yesterday.. i know u guys hope that i can enjoy myself but i can't really. Sorry.. I can only say 借酒消愁愁更愁 ..

So guys, don't ever use alcohol to drown your sorrows. It will NEVER work. I'm a living example...

Blogged @ 12:15 PM
A little too not over you -

Friday, August 12, 2011

Home sweet home! hahas. whenever i plan something in the evening, there's always something that happen in our squadron which will eat into our evening. i rmb that time i book harry potter few days in advance and that fri, they told me there's a commander visit. Need to stay back. I's shock! But i manage to persuade my officer to release me. hahas. And this time is a fri also! But know what? I manage to convince my officer too! hahas. I told him i've a driving lesson at 1710 later and i really forget about this commander visit which will eat into our evening. After some thought, he let me off. haha! So here i am, able to blog awhile before going to have some rest.

Tonight's gonna be a long and good night!=) First time stepping into BBDC for lesson. Yeah. After which will be meeting my friends for gathering. Happy time! Party till wee hrs! That's life! BUT! Tmr morning meeting my friend, going for mahjong competition first time in my life. Pray hard for me seriously cause my luck is bad this few wks.. Whenever bad luck falls on me, everything i touch will turn into shit seriously. ZZZ. Hope my luck will change tmr. SO, i must manage my time well tonight. No partying till wee hrs i guess!


Blogged @ 12:14 PM
A little too not over you -

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear blog, today i'm blogging from my workplace! First time ever! Today was more hectic in camp then usual. More den half of de ppl was called to go CPC for some roadshow but because i got duty so i's told to stay back and end up covering more den 1 duty. But it's okay! I can manage thou abit blur at times. That's me. LOL

My friend jio me to Chevron for mahjong competition this sat. I thought for awhile and agreed. meaning morning gym for me, afternoon to evening competition and night time gathering with my dearest AFTC friends! I miss them!!

This few wks are packed for me but it's good! I like!=) more programmes for me guys! But not from workplace! spare me a break!

And and.. i received a msg from Genting again. Free 1 rm for 2 nights from Sep to Oct. Who's interested? LOL!

Blogged @ 7:57 PM
A little too not over you -

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dear blog, as promised, this is my 2nd post today=) I felt better today le. Think through alot yesterday night. Went to sleep only at 4am so i took half day off in the morning and went to work only in de afternoon.

I'm trying to learn to let go. Like what a chinese proverb mentioned, 免强没有幸福. C's heart not with me anymore. It's like telling me to fall in love with someone i don't like. I can understand C's feeling. So being a guy, i will wish her all the best in everything she do. Frankly speaking, it's not easy to get over someone whom you've been with for the longest but like always, time will heal all wounds and i believe it will.

Thank You C. This relationship had made me learn alot to the extend that i've grown stronger as a person. You make me realize i cant get on with life as it is now but rather, must achieve something meaningful. I'll never have feel it if you're by my side. perhaps i'll still be contented with what i've now. It's always hard to say goodbye but it'll only be an experience learn. when i think back, i know i'll only be grateful to have C in my life before.

This wkend and next wk will be packed for me. I guess it's good for someone who's recovering from a broken r/s. Tmr i'm staying over in camp for duty. Fri afternoon i had off and meeting my friends at night to chill. Sat i'm meeting my friends for sports and gym and Sun i had driving lesson in de morning and going over to my grandma house for lunch in de afternoon.

Next wk will be worst! Mon will start my Operation duty. Tues and weds there's night mission so based on my friend past experience, i'm supposed to stay back till late evening or maybe midnight? Thu i'll be able to rest and Fri, sun i'll be having duty. which means staying over in squadron again. Hectic life right? No choice, sign on. Learn to adapt.

BUT 1 thing i told myself. Life is full of choices, since i've make this choice, I'll make it a meaningful one. I'll not let my 5 yrs go down to drain by serving de nation. I'll achieve something. I will.

Blogged @ 6:39 PM
A little too not over you -

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There are times when I cant decide whether to see you or not, I want to see you because I miss you but there are times when I dont want to see you because everytime I do,the fact that you dont see me the waythat I see you hurts me even more ...
The weirdest thing happened the other morning...I woke up with tears in my eyes...and one rolling down my cheek...and I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.
I'm not supposed to love you,I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there,I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and what to do, I'm sorry I can't help myself,I'm in love with you.
You're not worth the tears,you're not worth the heartache.I don't know why I give you the time.You're not worth the pain, you're not worth the emptiness. I don't know why I wish you were mine.
I'm sorry for crying over you, because I said I wouldn't.But I didn't promise you that, because I knew it would be a promiseI would never be able to keep.
It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye.
Nothing hurts more than realising she meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to her.
Love is a precious gift that people try to hold onto until the end of time,even when there is nothing left to hold.
You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, with the knowledge that you might never see him again. But you know he'll be in your mind and heart forever...Love starts with a smile, Grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.I had a dream and it was about you ... I smiled and recalled the memories we had ... then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why? Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ... Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesn’t mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.

Blogged @ 1:21 PM
A little too not over you -

Hello Blog! happy national day Singapore!! Sorry that i've neglected you and only come back to you now. like what my title state, i'm back to square one again. time flies and i'm actually with this girl whom i shall name C for close to 1 yr 8 mths. Aug 11 is our 1 yr 8 mths tgr but i guess we're not fated to last till then..

Many things had happen throughout our r/s. i'll always rmb the sweetest moments of de process of me wooing her and when the day she say yes to me, i feel like i'm de happiest living guy on earth=) those moment when she actually waited for me at pasir ris for 5 hrs just to wait for me to be released from tekong, when i was dead drunk in a pub at 4 in de morning and she came over to fetch me home. all this makes me feel that hey, she's one of a kind and i'll do my best to maintain this r/s because i treasure our r/s and i treasure her. i rmb asking her what's de sweetest moment i done anything for her. and she said it's during her b'day. 2 wks after we're tgr. i can still rmb clearly what happen. our r/s was full of ups and downs. but we always managed to pull thru it. thank god that there's always a forgiving party in our r/s=)

All were smooth sailing but till roughly a mth ago, things was not meant to be. i've agitated C on 1 of the night and the next thing i hear from her is she had enough and wants a breakup. I's shocked at the moment. after i cool down, i thought it was just 1 of the downs whereby i can salvage this r/s but it was not going to be. her mind was made up. she told me she had been tolerating me for a few mths and this argument spark our breaking up. after she told me that, it sets me thinking how much did i love her and did i really go the distance to love her with all my heart. many things she do for me, perhaps i didnt really show appreciation and take it for granted. she dress up for me hoping to compliment her but i didnt. all my bad habits she tolerated and forgive me only for me to make de same mistake again and again. i's thinking maybe i've really let her down in this r/s.

C told me she's tired already. she'll always place her bf as her utmost priority and often neglect her own lifestyles like de things she wanted to do i.e piano, tennis etc.. She's entered uni a few mths ago and i believe uni make her change her mindset. C is able to see what's more important to her in her life now.

My officer told me gals will 'grow up' in a r/s during 2 stages. 1 is when de guy was in army especially tekong and another is when she enter uni. we survived 1 but failed de other.

C has given her all in this r/s and let me experience what is love and perhaps it is time to let her go for her to pursue her dream. But for me, i don't bear to let her go so easily. Call me selfish or b****** or anything but i can't accept the fact that she's gone just like that. my point is we've been thru so much tgr, why cant this r/s be salvaged?

I'll give each other time to cool down and to think through but i know it's of no use cause C's mind is made up. C is very persevere and when her mind is made up, nobody can change anything. i've nothing to say to win her heart back and therefore, i guess our r/s ended this way.

i rmb de first day we're tgr she told me we'll still be best friend even if we break up, i promise her but i know it's a promise which is hard to kept. I want to say, i cant get over u, how can i possibly be your best friend?

i know our r/s has reached a dead end and no turning back but deep down in my heart, there's a voice telling me to hang on. telling me to give both of us time to think through. things are not as bad as it may seem to be. i wanted to follow my heart but i know time was not on my side. i wanted to confide in ppl but what they told me is not what i want to hear. So dear blog, thanks for hearing me out. You're de one that hears me out without complaining to me. I'm grateful for that. I promise u for as long as i cant get over this r/s, i'll always be here sharing my stories with u..

Blogged @ 12:30 PM
A little too not over you -

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Blogged @ 11:03 PM
A little too not over you -

Monday, January 4, 2010

I deserve it =)

Blogged @ 1:00 AM
A little too not over you -

Friday, December 25, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone! I know it's been some time since i update my blog. Ya. Lazy. It's holiday for me this few wks but it doesnt seems like holiday. Been doing my final year project which means i've to go back school often. Hmm...

Christmas eve was fruitful for me. Almost my whole day was spent outside. Went to Causeway Point to have my lunch and catch Alvin and the Chipmunks before coming home to take a nap and went out again at around 6 to my friends BBQ at woodlands. hahas. After BBQ went to a chalet and i managed to catch the last train back as de train service was extended! hahas. Meet my sec sch friend at Jurong point for movie at 2am. "BOdyguards Assassins". I personally thought the movie was so so? Not really up to my expectation. Ya. No train nor bus back so i walked home. Took me around 20 mins to reach home. Sweet dreams at 5 and that concludes my Christmas Eve...

Blogged @ 5:23 PM
A little too not over you -

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

She's sleeping soundly in my bed=)

Blogged @ 12:18 PM
A little too not over you -

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last paper to go tomorrow. Jiayou to myself!!!

Blogged @ 8:30 PM
A little too not over you -

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The word 'disturb' shall and will not appear in my dictionary!

Blogged @ 9:54 PM
A little too not over you -

Thursday, November 5, 2009

--------Strength of the preferences %

--------Strength of the preferences %

MatchIndex = 91% good
Your information compatibility is good. Below is an analysis of your relationship together with some recommendations for the optimal behavior in your particular case.

Indices\Compatibility Bad Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good

Expression-----------------------------------------------------------------* Perception-----------------------------------------------------------------*

Your preferences on "Expression" – one of the information compatibility criteria - are the same. One of you is a moderately expressed extrovert and the other one is a slightly expressed extrovert.
This correlation of personal traits regarding the criterion "Expression" is sufficiently favorable for your relationship because you express your attitude to the surrounding world in the same way.
It follows from the above that there is a sufficiently wide range of situations in which the partners together can feel comfortable. Activities to undertake together may include socializing with groups of people, attending parties, visiting museums, going to the movies, dining out, shopping, and going on outings.
It is almost certain that there are no tension points regarding the "Expression" criterion in your relationship. Nevertheless, you should avoid situations which can cause tension in your relationship because of the partners' extroversion. Extroversion traits of both of you can lead to discomfort in relations if you are limited over a long period to a small number of human contacts.

Your preferences on "Perception" – one of the information compatibility criteria - are the same. One of you is a moderately expressed intuitive person and the other one is a slightly expressed intuitive person.
Such an interelation of personal traits regarding the criterion "Perception" is favorable for your relationship because you both perceive the surrounding world in the same intuitive way.
With this combination of personal traits there is a sufficiently wide range of situations which both partners can understand and solve. Situations may include the discussion and solving of on-going problems, which require a general understanding, the ability to see ahead as well as ability to meet present requirements.
It is almost certain that there are no tension points regarding the "Perception" criterion in your relationship. Nevertheless, situations should be avoided which might cause tension in your relationship because of your primarily intuitive perception of the world. Preference of the more general, theoretical-abstract perception of reality might lead to tension in relations if both of you are forced to solve primarily practical questions requiring immediate concrete decisions. It is clear that the necessity to solve this type of problem will cause tension in intuitive partners.

Your preferences on "Processing" – one of the information compatibility criteria - are the same. One of you is a moderately expressed feeling person and the other one is a slightly expressed feeling person.
Such a correlation of personal traits regarding the criterion "Processing" is favorable for your relationship because you both react in the same emotional way to situations.
Thus we see that there is a sufficiently wide range of situations in which the partners interrelate easily. These may include problems involving personal relations, an individual approach and, to some extent, firmness in solving them.
It is almost certain that there are no tension points regarding the "Processing" criterion in your relationship. However, because both of you deal with events in an emotional way, you should avoid making decisions together on questions requiring a strictly logical objective approach. Obviously, the need to resolve this type of problem will cause tension in the feeling partners.

Your preferences on "Implementation" – one of the information compatibility criteria - are the same. One of you is a slightly expressed perceiving person and the other one is a slightly expressed perceiving person.
Such an interrelation of personal traits regarding the criterion "Implementation" is favorable for your relationship because you both implement your ideas and adapt to various situations in the same way.
Thus we see that there is a sufficiently wide range of situations in which the partners can interrelate easily. These situations may include problems requiring flexibility and searching for unusual approaches as well as, to certain extent, planning in their implementation.
It is almost certain that there are no tension points regarding the "Implementation" criterion in your relationship. However, you should avoid situations which could cause tension in your relationship because of both partners' preference for improvisation and flexibility in their approach to a solution. These spontaneity and flexibility of the partners might lead to tension in relations if both of you have to make decisions which primarily require planning and deadlines. Attempting to solve this type of problem will cause tension in the perceiving partners.

Blogged @ 9:51 PM
A little too not over you -

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Almost all my free time are used for fyp. Normally when there's break in between classes, we'll either have a game of soccer, basketball or bowling or even to somewhere further then school to have our lunch and movie. But this sem no more! Fyp and Fyp. And thanks to my classmate, we finally completed de first part of our fyp. hahas. 2 wk to complete 1st part. Cool. Lol. This few days are kinda tiring for me. Dunno why. Maybe i'm getting old. And i've started training for my NAPFA. hahas. Especially my sit up. Omg i'm not embarrass to say that i can only do 20 sit up in a min. Boohoo. Don't want enter NS so early la. So i must buck up. YES!

Tmr lesson from 8-10. After 10 either gym or soccer or fyp. had an eye check at 12 and after my eye check, i shld go home and have a gd slp. hahaha.

Blogged @ 9:53 PM
A little too not over you -

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My friend want to emo. So we went kbox today. Yup. Had lesson from 8-12 today. Went FC2 for lunch and had chicken rice. Yes. Chicken again. LOL. Meet FYP supervisor for around 15 mins to clear some doubts before proceeding to project lab to do our FYP. Went off to Clementi Kbox at around 130 and sing all the way to 630. Had Subway for dinner. Again. And Ouch! I dropped my phone just now. Oops. I'm so not careful! ZzzZ

Blogged @ 10:25 PM
A little too not over you -

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wonder what happened to me today. I ate more then what i normally do. LOL. Morning had fresh milk and 2 pork floss bread for breakfast. Had lunch in FC5 in school. Order Subway Melt Meal. Not full, i ordered KFC 2 piece chicken meal and after that, my friend wanna try the sweet and spicy drumlets from kfc so each of us share 5 of it. LOL. That's my lunch. Around 3 i had fruit juice. School ends at around 430 and on my way home, i bought Jollybean's Choco Soymilk and 1 sausage bread. Just had my dinner. My favourite sour and spicy soup. Yes. hahas.

Tmr's gonna be another early day for me. Sch starts at 8-12. Meeting FYP supervisor at 1210 and hopefully clear everything before going out with my classmates to sing. Kbox 7th yr anniversary and they having promotions from 26-29 Oct. So ya. My friend saw this promotions and since it's been some time since we last sang tgr, we'll do it tmr!

If my heart is always your home, my feelings for you won't fade.

Blogged @ 7:18 PM
A little too not over you -

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yesterday was IPOD. Engage 3 of my friends on Fri night to help out with soccer stuffs and to do so, they'll have to stay in sch overnight from fri to sat. Yup. So as someone who bring them in, i stayed over with them. hahas. During the night we were all hungry so we went out to somewhere near NUS to have prata. I ordered 2 egg and 2 plain. hahas. After which, came back sch and try to slp but to no avail. Normally when u doze off during lesson, ur posture will be smth like lying on table with ur hand stretched right? But this only works when i'm listening to lectures and not when i wanted to slp. SO. I told my senior primers to access their blackboard and turn on videos of their lecturers giving lecture and within 5 mins, i really fell asleep! hahas. My seniors were stun at how fast i doze off. LOL!

Yup. And for IPOD, i took part in street soccer competiton. Initially there were 7 teams but 1 of the teams were absent due to some reason. So we kick start with 6 teams with each team having to compete with 5 opponents. Top 4 will go into semi finals and 3 will get medals. If i don't rmb wrongly, my score for yesterday is 5-2(lost), 3-2(win), 3-3(draw), 5-3(win) and 3-1(lost). With an agg. of 7 pts, we proceed to semi-finals! So in semi finals there're 4 teams. 2 from Sp, 1 from Nyp and de last from Np. Semi finals we were drawn agnst NYP. Fought hard for a 2-2 draw but we lose on penalty. FOr 3rd and 4th placing, we're up agnst Np. Half time we were tie 1-1 but during second half, we completely self destruct and lose de game 4-1. My error result in 1 of the opponent's goal and i'm angry with myself for that. To me. I rather we get last then come into semis with no medals. Quite disappointed and upset with myself yesterday. But SP is still the overall champion of IPOD 2009 so still not that bad.

And at least there's 1 thing to cheer me up. Yes. That's Chelsea winning 5-0. Woohoo! I simply love them. Keep on going Chelsea!!!

Blogged @ 4:27 PM
A little too not over you -

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm 11% extraverted, 12% intuitive, 12% feeling and 22% perceiving

Blogged @ 8:59 PM
A little too not over you -

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I believe everything will turn for the better =)

Blogged @ 12:51 AM
A little too not over you -